Ali Ezzeddine


Ali, an experienced educator, author, trainer and coach, is driven by a mission to collaboratively contribute to creating a better world. Commencing his career as a French PYP teacher in a Lebanese private school in 2003, Ali’s professional journey evolved as he transitioned into the role of PYP Coordinator at the same institution. Subsequently, he expanded his expertise to include positions at various schools in Dubai and Doha. Currently, Ali leverages nearly two decades of educational experience to collaborate with start-up schools, providing training and consultation services, and conducting author visits, both in-person and online.
As a certified trainer from the Lynn Erikson Institute, Ali leads concept-based workshops across different countries. Proficient in three languages—Arabic, French, and English—his trilingual abilities enhance his capacity to engage with diverse audiences. Additionally, Ali is also a certified TBR (Training from the Back of the Room) trainer, further demonstrating his commitment to advancing educational methodologies. With a dedicated focus on educational workshops and professional development for teachers, Ali strives to create impactful experiences that empower individuals and communities to flourish and develop collectively. Through his work, he aims to equip both students and teachers with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-evolving educational landscape.


Ali, a seasoned education professional with over 20 years of international experience, has left a significant impact on institutions like the American International School, Schutz American School, and Crawford International. As an adept coach, Ali is dedicated to guiding educators towards success. His personalised coaching sessions are designed to address individual needs and goals, ensuring maximum benefit for each participant. With unwavering commitment, Ali fosters growth and inspires educators to reach new heights.
Beyond coaching, Ali is a passionate author specialising in delightful children’s picture books published in French, Arabic, and English. His stories aim to ignite young minds, encouraging them to embark on fantastic adventures and letting their imagination soar. Ali firmly believes in the transformative power of literature to unlock limitless possibilities, sharing the joy of writing with children worldwide.
Ali’s advocacy extends beyond traditional education, emphasising the importance of adopting progressive approaches that align with the needs of today’s learners. He actively promotes a culture of adaptability and open-mindedness, ensuring that his influence reaches far beyond the confines of conventional teaching. With a wealth of experience, Ali contributes valuable insights and guidance to educational institutions, making a lasting impact on the global education landscape.

Ali’s core competencies

Concept-based Teaching

Multilingual Proficiency (Arabic, French, English)

Training from the Back of the Room

Progressive Educational Approaches

Collaborative Leadership

Transformative Education

Google Review

  • Recommended

    Hala AbdJ Avatar Hala AbdJ
    11 March 2024
  • Mr. Ali's workshops are always interactive, informative and engaging. You learn how to apply the knowledge learnt in a practical way in your classroom. He has a lot of enthusiasm and this shows in his methods of delivery.

    Caela S Avatar Caela S
    11 March 2024
  • Thank you for teaching us how to teach in a very fun way

    Sara Rafaat Avatar Sara Rafaat
    11 March 2024
  • TBR training (training from the back of the room) was very innovative and taught me new methods. I discovered new differences between each of the type of learning, new ways to warm-up or energize the students, new non-formal working methods. Ali as usual was amazing, well prepared, full of energy and ready for any questions or situations thank you so much Razzak

    18 February 2024
  • Nous avons eu la chance d'accueillir Ali trois fois dans notre école à Strasbourg, France. La structure très claire de ces ateliers et les stratégies multiples employées par Ali nous ont permis de construire à chaque fois des nouvelles connaissances et compétences en lien avec un ou plusieurs aspect du programme primaire de l'IB. Ali a su répondre aux besoins spécifiques de notre équipe et ses interventions nous ont fait grandir individuellement et comme équipe. Il nous a sens cesse encouragé à établir des liens concrètes entre les apprentissages pendant l'atelier et nos pratiques en classe. Comme coordinatrice PYP je peux vivement recommander Ali.

    Johanna Dellantonio Avatar Johanna Dellantonio
    18 February 2024